Created for More: Finding Renewal & Purpose in the New Year


“You were absolutely created for more than a mundane life, you were made for 5 stars!”


With the new year in full swing, holidays over and resolutions thriving or melting away— I’m reminded of times in my life when I found myself wondering what the heck is this life? Have you ever felt like it’s another new year and yet it feels pretty much the same as last year, maybe a little better…maybe a lot worse? I guess it depends on the season of life you are in and what major win or loss has happened to you recently. At least that’s often how it was for me before I discovered quite possibly the most important truth I have come to know: my purpose. 

Without purpose there is no direction or real meaning to life, and nothing really matters at all—but I have some really, REALLY good news: you were intentionally created with great care for an important, unique, profound purpose! [Psalm 139: 13-16; Eph 2:10] Each of us has a deep, guttural desire to discover our true purpose [Eccl 3:11], but sometimes we feel uncertain or overwhelmed by the vast, never-ending feed of information cascading before our very eyes virtually every second of every day. Welcome again to the 21st century— the age of too much information!! If that’s where you are, you’re not alone, and I’ve been there too. The world tells us success is measured by our status, physical features, career, wealth, power and achievements—but chasing popular variations of these things can leave us feeling even more empty than before we attain them.

This emptiness is like a dense black hole sucking the life out of us, and it only grows larger and deeper until we fill it with the only thing more dense and potent in the known universe: the radical, personal, intimate LOVE of God the Father. You have probably heard this before, but I love this analogy—what is the value of something/anything? …

The value is always the price someone is willing to pay, whether you agree or not, if someone is willing to pay it— then that’s the value. I love this concept, especially applied to our value that our Creator who made us in His image, both male and female, to be fruitful and multiply and have dominion over the new planet He created we call earth! To be creators like Him and live in community with deep love and respect for everyone, because we are ALL image-bearers of God (whether or not we look like Him in moments of darkness instead of light—that was NOT the original intention).

How do I know what my purpose is you may ask? How do I know you’re right, Britney? Well, you can’t know for sure until you put it to the test like anything else in life. There are infinite paths to an amazing, storybook, fantastically beautiful relationship with God. Caleb and I are working hard to organize a kind of anthology of the greatest epiphanies, successes, failures, life hacks and disciplines that have worked for us—so that we can share it through something we are calling the Five Star Collective. The main asset will be the Five Star Podcast—where Caleb and I sit down with some of the most brilliant, authentic, and wise people who have impacted us personally. I can’t wait to share their stories and insights that impacted us forever on the podcast! Many of you already know about the book I wrote as well, The Five Star Life: The Faithful Fight to Overcome Obstacles and Pursue Excellence, about my journey of faith, business, and relationships. If you haven’t read it please check it out here (link) & I hope it impacts your life in a profound and meaningful way! 

Caleb is also writing a book about his own journey and hopes to have that available for everyone in 2026, so stay tuned!

As always you can always reach out to us directly and follow us at @britrubymiller—we would love to hear from you!

Never settle for less than God’s best for you. He paid the highest price for you when He sacrificed His Son, and He would do it again! You were absolutely created for more than a mundane life, you were made for 5 stars!

You’ve got this, and He’s got you! 




My Perfectionism Almost Killed Me Until I Learned How to Harness It


Mixed Green Salad withChickpeas, Avocado, and Balsamic Dressing